20.8.2009, 22:43 | #101 |
Član od: 8.4.2008.
Poruke: 1.392
Zahvalnice: 302
Zahvaljeno 24 puta na 21 poruka
Re: Gothic 4 - Arcania
ako nisam igrao nijedan gothic jel ne bi bio problem da igram ovaj ?!
20.8.2009, 23:01 | #102 |
Deo inventara foruma
Član od: 24.10.2006.
Lokacija: Beograd
Poruke: 4.910
Zahvalnice: 579
Zahvaljeno 1.747 puta na 1.039 poruka
Re: Gothic 4 - Arcania
Zasto da ne posto verujem da ovaj generalno gledano nece da ima previse veze sa prethodnim delovima, da ne bi mogao da se igra kao standalone.
Ipak ako imas vremena igraj prvo Gothic II, a ako imas zivaca igraj i Gothic III (mada sa zadnjim patchem igra vec nije za treniranje zivaca kao sto je to bila verzija bez zadnjih patcheva - od 1.70 naovamo). |
21.8.2009, 6:57 | #103 | |
Član od: 8.4.2008.
Poruke: 1.392
Zahvalnice: 302
Zahvaljeno 24 puta na 21 poruka
Re: Gothic 4 - Arcania
21.8.2009, 12:02 | #104 |
Deo inventara foruma
Član od: 24.10.2006.
Lokacija: Beograd
Poruke: 4.910
Zahvalnice: 579
Zahvaljeno 1.747 puta na 1.039 poruka
Re: Gothic 4 - Arcania
Neznam sta da ti kazem posto se te dve igre ipak podosta razlikuju.
Osnovna slicnost je da imas jednog no-name lika koji vitla macem ili nekim drugim oruzijem, ali se nacin na koji gradis svoj lik i kako unapredjujes njegove osobine, oprema etc itekako razlikuju. Sto se tice same igre meni se recimo Gothic serijal puno vise dopao nego ES serijal, ali me je zao G3 tako zivcirao svojom musicavoscu i gomilom bagova, narocito izletanjem na desktop da sam mogao da poludim. U stvari poceo je da me nervira jos pre samog pocetka sa onim svojim "Where is the guru?"! Sada sa novim patchevima je vec sve mnogo bolje i lakse tako da neces morati da treniras zivce. |
21.8.2009, 12:31 | #105 |
Deo inventara foruma
Član od: 21.5.2008.
Poruke: 4.916
Zahvalnice: 1.072
Zahvaljeno 1.096 puta na 715 poruka
Re: Gothic 4 - Arcania
Ja ti preporucujem G3 da odigras i nasladis se ko coek.I pored svih bagova igra ima da te zabavi preko trista sati (ja proveo 311 sati uz igru).
Ja sam prvo igro Oblivion,pa kad me on smorio uzeo Gothic 3 i uvidio sta se zove zaraza. Po meni Gothic3 je bolji Obliviona Evo interview-a ArcaniA - A Gothic Tale Producer Q&A This Q&A is answered by Philippe Louvet, producer at Spellbound on ArcaniA - A Gothic Tale. Philippe has previously been working on Neverwinter Nights, Dungeons and Dragons, Alone in the Dark, Unreal Tournament…. I. ArcaniA - A Gothic Tale is the 4th iteration of the Gothic series, we’ve seen some videos and images at E3, could you please tell us at which stage is the game ? Since E3 we took some higher ground to maximize the great game we have in our hands . We refocused the entire production on the core elements of the game and we will have a beta version of the first fifth of the game in september. We are in the process of finishing this first 'chapter', we're working on the combat and magic system. We're polishing the quests and translating the texts to work simultaneuously on English and German versions We will use this first version to test the game play with different user groups all over the world. We aim the game play to be enjoyable on consoles and are working in this direction, but don’t worry we’ll have many surprises on PC too... II. The Gothic series is famous for its storyline, its high level of interaction with the environment and other in-game characters, what importance are you giving to the combat system in the game ? Combat is our main focus, among others of course, but we want the combat system to be the most important part of the gameplay of the game. The combat system will be completed in septembre Tacting will be important and using the right 'tool' in the right condition too. You’ll be able to fight in melee, at distance, with both conventional weapons and powerfull magic. But being able to fight your way through the game will not be enough, you'll have to be clever too.... III. In terms of storyline, can you give us more details on its links with the previous Gothic titles ? The story starts 10 years after the last episode, the previous nameless hero has become King Robar III. The story uses different elements that have been introduced in the previous games. Some old friends will be there too. Some mysteries will be explained... IV. Will our favorite characters be back in the game ? There's a lot of known characters from the Gothic universe that will be present,. I can tell you that you’ll get support from some of your old friends, Diego, Lester, and Milten. We ‘ll have much more from the Gothic franchise, some we want to be a surprise, some we are not yet sure of... But NPCs will definitely play a very important role in the game, having their individual behaviours, but also group behaviours, that can change dramatically. They can be really unpredictable, and shall be well managed V.Who is the hero, and what is he fighting for ? That's a difficult question to answer without spoiling... The hero is a new nameless hero, he comes from Feshyr, a small and peacefull island. One day, he has been sent in a mission by his mentor, and when he came back it was to see his village burned to the ground. After mourning his friends and familly he decided to go after the ones responsible of this massacre, and finds out their trail back to the large island of Argaan. From this day, he won’t be mister nice guy anymore, he is a strong, determined and charistmatic young fellow, who will grow throughout the game, to face his fate. VI. Do you already have some information you can share on the creatures we’ll meet ? There going to be a lot of humans to fight with, around 15 different types of animals and for the moment we're having 25 unique type of monsters (plus some with variations). Each of them having different powers and special attacks. VII. We saw a few environments during E3, can you share with us more details ? Well, the game is set on an island, but there's a lot of different environment on this island. There's high mountains, beaches, jungles, swamps, big and small cities, and of course, dungeons !! There's also some interesting stories to find in the terrain... VIII. How the quests will be structured ? We want to avoid silly quests, our quests will involve the player and make him feel he's really a hero. There will be multiple possibilities to complete a quest, and sometimes different choices to make. The main word here is freedom. IX. Risen is to come out later this year, how do you plan to differentiate ArcaniA from it ? By making a very high quality. We are not focusing on competing against this or this other title, we believe that achieving the highest quality possible is going to make ArcaniA stands out from the vast cloud of games, and will lie the ground for a long and successfull serie of games. Positioning our game with high quality, a strong combat system, a large free environment, a strong hero, and an appealling Gothic universe is the way to bring an attractive game for action-RPGs fans, but also to more mainstream gamers X. We heard that the release of ArcaniA may be moved to 2010, can you confirm, can you explain us the reasons behind this delay ? Has I said before, since E3 we stepped back a little and decided to make the better game we can, this means that we need to take the time required to achieve this goal. We want the game to be tested by users, we want the game to be very well tuned and polished. Gothic is a franchise that needs to be pursued with high quality games, and we think we have in our hands this high quality game that can bring the franchise further on PC, but also on consoles. In order to bring the best of the best to our fans, and more largely to the gamers community, we thought it was key to give to ArcaniA the time needed to be one of the best Action-RPG title of 2010. |
31.8.2009, 15:06 | #106 |
Član od: 10.12.2006.
Poruke: 692
Zahvalnice: 214
Zahvaljeno 110 puta na 74 poruka
Re: Gothic 4 - Arcania
7.9.2009, 0:32 | #107 | |
Član od: 8.7.2006.
Lokacija: Above the Abyss
Poruke: 1.879
Zahvalnice: 584
Zahvaljeno 912 puta na 524 poruka
Re: Gothic 4 - Arcania
28.9.2009, 20:59 | #108 |
Član od: 25.3.2007.
Lokacija: Ravangrad
Poruke: 362
Zahvalnice: 42
Zahvaljeno 91 puta na 60 poruka
Re: Gothic 4 - Arcania
Ma ta sva lepa grafika im ništa ne znači ako priča nije zanimljiva i pitka. Nikada me u igru nije uvlačila grafika nego priča. (Zato mi je morrowind bolji od Obliviona, bez obzira na razliku u godištu.) Lepi pejzaži služe da odigraš prvih 2-3 sata. Kada se navikneš na to i postane ti normalno onda gledaš kakva je priča, i ako je dobra onda provedeš još 300 i kusur sati sa igrom. Ako sam željan lepih pejzaža ili 18 vrsta trava na kvadratnom metru onda odo u prirodu pa ću to da gledam u živo.
Sledeći korisnik se zahvaljuje korisniku VlaK na korisnoj poruci: | ||
virtuoz pavle (28.9.2009) |
29.9.2009, 9:13 | #109 |
Deo inventara foruma
Član od: 9.5.2008.
Lokacija: steam id: marcus
Poruke: 3.164
Zahvalnice: 966
Zahvaljeno 767 puta na 462 poruka
Re: Gothic 4 - Arcania
Igra je dobra ako ima skladan spoj:
1.priče 2.grafike (prezentacije) i 3.gamepaly-a može da prođe ako jedan faktor zataji , al neka to ne bude (često jeste) priča. |
Sledeći korisnik se zahvaljuje korisniku Marko Radonjic na korisnoj poruci: | ||
player1 (29.9.2009) |
29.9.2009, 12:55 | #110 |
Deo inventara foruma
Član od: 24.2.2006.
Lokacija: Nis
Poruke: 3.038
Zahvalnice: 723
Zahvaljeno 946 puta na 594 poruka
Re: Gothic 4 - Arcania
Tu može da se doda i interfejs i (ne)bagovitost, obe stavke meni bitnije od grafike...
29.9.2009, 13:02 | #111 |
Deo inventara foruma
Član od: 9.5.2008.
Lokacija: steam id: marcus
Poruke: 3.164
Zahvalnice: 966
Zahvaljeno 767 puta na 462 poruka
Re: Gothic 4 - Arcania
29.9.2009, 16:37 | #112 |
Član od: 2.6.2006.
Lokacija: Vojvodina
Poruke: 1.678
Zahvalnice: 663
Zahvaljeno 485 puta na 289 poruka
Re: Gothic 4 - Arcania
Meni je recimo bitna stavka muzika koja ce docarati odredjenu atmosferu, desavanja tokom igre itd. Evo poceo sam da igram Mass Effect i sve mi je nekako prazna muzika, jos sam na pocetku mozda se popravi kasnije.
Gledajuci te slike iz G4 grafika je odlicna, samo da ne trazi neki quad CPU + quad GPU setup od kompa. Ako uz grafiku bude isla dobra muzika i prihvatljiva prica ja cu biti zadovoljan. Donekle los interfejs i bagovitost u manjim dozama mogu da svarim ali su mi na prvom mestu grafika, muzika i prica. |
29.9.2009, 17:30 | #113 |
Re: Gothic 4 - Arcania
Ljudi bitno je sve jer to utiče na sam kompletan utisak i ocenu igre. pošto je ipak u pitanju RPG ipa je tu najvažnija sama priča.. Naravno i kontrolni sistem/interfejs je jao važan jer bez dobrih kontrola je nemoguće odigrati onako kako su autori zamislili igru -recimo zato nisam odigrao Neverwinter Nights 2, ali sam x puta odigrao prvi Gothic koji ima komade prikladne konzoli. Muzika se ne kraju kraje va i može ukloniti tj isključiti ali to nije rešenje jer ona svakako mora pratiti dešavanja na ekranu, jer u protivnom iritira a onda koj sam đavo bacao pare na X-FI muzičku i X-540 sistem. bagovi umeju da budu jako gadan problem koji se ponekad mogu "izlečiti", ali to krpljenje ume da donese i više problema i da traje čitavu večnost i samo izazove probleme- FG sam pokušao da odigram jedno 5-6 puta a dva puta sam izgubio sejvove ispred čuvene "zveri", gde obračun sa njom treba da bude vrhunac igre a ja nisam ni video njen izgled, dok se ostatak svodi na pucnje glavnih i sporednih kvestova uprkos pečovanju. Ono ni Gothic 3 nema baš dobar gameplay ukoliko se neko odluči za dvoručno oružje, ali opet ima mogućnosti da odigraš sa jednoručnim mačevima ili magijama te tu može da se debelo povuče. Bre ljudi grafika nije najvažnija stavka, lično grafiku u Diablu 2 mogu da svarima samo ako je dobra priča - ja i još par likova iz društva smo baš iskomentarisali najavak Diabla 3 rečema da bi bilo dobro da novi nastavak urade retro fazonu. U slučaju promašene glavne pričenema dobrog FRPa odnosno RPGa.
29.9.2009, 18:44 | #114 | |
Deo inventara foruma
Član od: 24.2.2006.
Lokacija: Nis
Poruke: 3.038
Zahvalnice: 723
Zahvaljeno 946 puta na 594 poruka
Re: Gothic 4 - Arcania
Gameplay je srž svake igre, sve ostalo je samo ukras. |
25.10.2009, 2:10 | #115 |
Član od: 7.3.2009.
Lokacija: Na Savi
Poruke: 60
Zahvalnice: 11
Zahvaljeno 0 puta na 0 poruka
Re: Gothic 4 - Arcania
Kao sto smo na jednom forumu pisali IGRA(ne igrica)je umjetnost.Znaci sve treba da bude u skladu da bi to bilo to
Znaci tamo se prepucavajte kaki bi RPG trebao biti...nego izgleda da ce Risen i Gothic 4 biti veoma slicni(ista tropska atmosfera,isti nacin ispaljivanja strela,jopet j***ne musice od 2m velkacke) Sta vi mislite? |
4.11.2009, 9:01 | #116 |
Član od: 19.7.2006.
Poruke: 197
Zahvalnice: 22
Zahvaljeno 15 puta na 13 poruka
Re: Gothic 4 - Arcania
Prošao Risen dva puta i uživao, šteta što priča ne traje duže. A što se Arcanie tiče... mada sam malo skeptičan (Gothic koji ne radi PB? Hmmm...) svakako ću je nabaviti. Grafika mi je u svakom slučaju totalno sekundarna stvar.
14.11.2009, 19:55 | #117 |
Novi član
Član od: 12.11.2009.
Poruke: 15
Zahvalnice: 3
Zahvaljeno 0 puta na 0 poruka
Re: Gothic 4 - Arcania
Ovo ce da bude gore od novog Divinity-ja.
Poslusajte sto vam kazem |
8.12.2009, 10:43 | #118 |
Član od: 9.8.2007.
Lokacija: Raider's Hideout
Poruke: 538
Zahvalnice: 79
Zahvaljeno 59 puta na 41 poruka
Re: Gothic 4 - Arcania
Video sam par screenshotova, i odusevljen sam,
i iskreno se nadam da ce 4-ka biti odlicna u svakom pogledu!!! |
15.12.2009, 21:56 | #119 |
Član od: 27.5.2009.
Poruke: 106
Zahvalnice: 10
Zahvaljeno 35 puta na 18 poruka
Re: Gothic 4 - Arcania
Ova igra ce biti fail, poslednji ss je sav zut ("realistic" HD graphics). Likovi su bolje uradjeni od PB igara, medjutim svet je nakaradno dizajniran. Borba deluje ocajno (ko je jos video da u Gothic igri napadnes 20 protivnika odjednom ).
15.12.2009, 21:59 | #120 |
V.I.P. Test Play
Član od: 5.4.2006.
Lokacija: Beograd
Poruke: 14.835
Zahvalnice: 5.655
Zahvaljeno 4.120 puta na 2.692 poruka
Re: Gothic 4 - Arcania
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