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Video/TV softver Video programi, formati, kodeci, konvertori, DVD/TV softver, satelitski/DVB programi, DivX i sl.

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Stara 10.6.2008, 18:33   #1
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Određen forumom Kako napraviti internet tv

sta je sve potrebno da se napravi internet tv koja ce emitovati program u realnom vremenu. ja sam nasao servis Mogulus koji je u beta fazi ali kako bi izgledalo da se napravi sajt sa tv sadrzajem koji se sve vreme emituje
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Stara 11.6.2008, 14:04   #2
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Avatar korisnika VojaM
Član od: 19.8.2005.
Lokacija: Beograd, SK
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Određen forumom Re: Kako napraviti internet tv

Sumnjam da tako nešto možeš da napraviš u domaćoj radinosti.

Ako misliš da postavljaš fajlove na server pa da ih posle sa servera emituješ, potreban ti je ogroman protok, takođe i ogroman upload protok na mestu odakle postavljaš fajlove na sajt i ogroman protok samog sajta. Fajlovi sa materijalom za emitovanje su ogromni. Kod radija je situacija mnogo bolja jer su fajlovi manji, a i sa manjim protokom ton je sasvim pristojan.

Internet televizije obično rade na drugom principu - na principu on-line konverzije "živog" programa u striming. Naime, server je u samoj TV stanici, video i audio signali se uvode u hardver za konverziju i sve se to brzom mrežom šalje serveru koji dalje radi striming ka korisnicima. Uveren sam da ti je i to, kao amateru, nedostupno.
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Stara 11.6.2008, 16:36   #3
Član od: 17.2.2006.
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Određen forumom Re: Kako napraviti internet tv

tokom jucerasnjeg dana sam trazio odgovor na ovu temu po netu pa sam dosao do sledecih informacija. postoje programi koji mogu kucnu masinu da pretvore u distributivni centar tj da se sa tvoje tv ili satelitske karte program preuzme i emituje dalje preko neta.
ja sam nasao tri programa u brodcast koji je besplatan ali nisam provalio kako funkcionise, TVU Broadcast koji cu danas da probam i otsavtv ovaj program se placa, a postoji i broadcast mashine koji bi koliko sam razumeo objasnjenje trebalo da bude slican p2p programima kako bi video sadrzaj mogao i da se sacuva i da se obradi, a tu je i beta servis Mogulus tv kanala gde bi pojedinac mogao da postavi program.
Sto se tice emitovanja programa danas nove TV stanice koriste program FodinAir tako nekako koji je vrlo slican sa winampom, napravi se lista i program se pusta s tim da u kompu mora da postoji kartica koja ide na audio i video distribucija zatim i u predajnik. zna li slucajno neko koliki je recimo uploda b92 za njihovu internet tv
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Stara 11.6.2008, 18:03   #4
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Avatar korisnika VojaM
Član od: 19.8.2005.
Lokacija: Beograd, SK
Poruke: 7.280
Zahvalnice: 29
Zahvaljeno 3.041 puta na 1.544 poruka
Određen forumom Re: Kako napraviti internet tv

Majstore, sve je to lepo i krasno, ali ti moraš da imaš poprilično jak link da bi mogao da teraš dovoljno veliki bitrejt za televiziju. Pokušaj da nađeš koliki se bitrejt traži u tim programima. Garant je neki T2 ili T3 digitalni link. Sa našim najboljim poslovnim ADSL-om mislim da to nema šanse da isteraš (ili ćeš kako-tako i isterati, ali ništa drugo nećeš moći da radiš na tom kompu).
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Stara 11.6.2008, 19:19   #5
Član od: 17.2.2006.
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Određen forumom Re: Kako napraviti internet tv

u tome i jeste pitanje ja se pitam koliki je potreban upload
evo uputstva za program U-Broadcast izvinite ali je na engleskom koliko sam ja shvatio upload se vrsi na odredjeno vreme 100-200-300 sekundi ... i potrebno je da postoji jos jedan video uredjaj sa koga ce se program preuzimati
Documentation v1.0

System requirements
Video device (such as a webcam, etc)
DirectX 8 or newer
Windows Media Format 9 Runtime (it is already installed on most systems)

U-Broadcast has 3 primary modes, which can be set from the File menu.

1. Offline-mode: Direct-connection to your video device. This mode doesn't travel through main memory and it consumes almost no CPU resources. However, video capture and broadcasting cannot be used in this mode. Not all video devices support this feature.

2. Streaming-mode (video-filtered): This mode handles frame-grabbing, custom captions and live streaming.

3. Streaming-mode (no filter-faster): This mode handles live streaming. The lack of filter support can make live streams much faster.

Help Contents

File Menu

* Start broadcast
Starts the live stream server. Your viewers can connect via Windows Media Player 9 or newer. File / Open URL. The URL for your stream would be http://your-IP:8080
* Stop broadcast
Stops the live stream server. Any users connected to your session will be disconnected from your broadcast.
* Capture audio
When enabled, audio will be recorded while capturing video or while running a live stream. When disabled, no audio will be used, but make sure your WM Profile specifies no audio as well. The audio that is recorded will depend on which sound card is selected, and which input.
* Video capture
Allows you to capture what you see to a separate file on your HD. Streaming-mode with filters must be enabled to use this feature.
* Deinterlace
Improves video capture quality.
* Descriptions
Custom info for your broadcast, such as: copyright, company, etc.
* Use caption
Applies custom text at the top left of the video. Use the keyword TIME to display the time.
* Offline-mode
See Introduction at the top of the page.
* Streaming-mode (video-filtered)
See Introduction at the top of the page.
* Streaming-mode (no filter-faster)
See Introduction at the top of the page.
* Resize to fit window
Resizes to cover the preview area, even while resizing the window.
* Full screen
Makes the video full screen.
* Change server port
The port used for broadcasting. By default, it's set to port: 8080. Routers and/or firewalls must be configured to accept the specified port.
* Set max connections
Maximum number of viewers that can connect to your live broadcast.
* Upload video stream
Upload the video every X number of seconds to an FTP server. If the connection does not initiate, try enabling or disabling Passive mode from the FTP Settings dialog.
* Copy to clipboard
Copy the current frame to the clipboard. This menu is disabled while in Offline-mode.
* Save Frame As
Saves the current frame to a file. This menu is disabled while in Offline-mode.

Device Menu

* Video capture device
The video hardware you want to use. At least one video device must be connected and installed on your PC for U-Broadcast to function.
* Audio device
The audio hardware you want to use. This is used when more than one sound card is available.
* WM Profile
Sets the streaming quality of your broadcast. Custom WM profiles can be created using Windows Media Encoder. Save the custom file as custom.prx and copy it to C:\. Once it is there, U-Broadcast will look for the file C:\custom.prx and will load it.
* Stream format
Sets the resolution, and frame rate for the selected video device.
* Video properties
Color / shading options for the selected video device.
* Audio properties
Audio controls, such as Bass and Treble, if your hardware supports it.
* Video codec
The codec you want to use while video capturing. Codecs can make your video file sizes much smaller. DivX, and other popular codecs, can be used as long as they're installed on the system.
* Audio codec
The audio codec you want to use while video capturing.
* TV tuner settings
From this menu, you can configure your TV tuner settings. You may set it to cable / antenna, change channels and set your country. If a TV-tuner device is not present, this menu will be disabled.
* Flip video
Rotates the current video horizontally, vertically, or both. This feature cannot be used while in Offline-mode.
* Controls
Device controls, such as zooming and panning. If your current video device does not supporting this feature, the options will be disabled.

Note: Custom WM profiles can be created using Windows Media Encoder. Save the custom file as custom.prx and copy it to C:\. Once it is there, U-Broadcast will look for the file C:\custom.prx and will load it.

Note: U-Broadcast requires DirectX 8 or newer to function, but it also utilizes DirectX 9 hardware features, such as Video Mixing Renderer 9 (VMR9). To verify whether your hardware is taking advantage of VMR9, which offers better video-rendering performance, go to Help / About.

Note: Your broadcast viewers should use Windows Media Player 9 or newer to connect.
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