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Konzole Konzole i softver za njih...

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Stara 29.6.2008, 13:20   #1
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Određen forumom White Knight Story-56k warning

Igru razvija Level 5 i u potpunosti je finansirana od strane Sonya.
U proizvodnji je vec duzi niz godina, a release date je do kraja ove fiskalne godine(do 31. marta 2009.).
Igra ima Oblivion-like travel sistem, tj. moguce je vratiti se u pretohdnjo poseceni grad jednim klikom.
Kamera je u 3. licu.
Ono sto je posebno zanimljivo jeste cinjenica da ce se u igri pojaviti ogromni bossovi, slicni onima iz Shadow of the Colossus igre.
Borba je real time.
Muziku je uradio Tomohito Nishiura.
Gameplay trailer.
Cinematic trailer.

Spoiler za screenshots:

Za mene, licno, najiscekivaniji jRPG pored Final Fantasy Fabula Crystalsis Nova serijala.
donator99 je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 29.6.2008, 14:09   #2
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Određen forumom Re: White Knight Story-56k warning

skinuo ovaj wall odavno..tek sa vidim za sta je

Skols je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 29.6.2008, 14:57   #3
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necu da vredjam ali mi nekako suvise anime tj. decije izgleda. glavni lik ko da ima 13 godina.
Crusader88 je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 29.6.2008, 15:02   #4
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Određen forumom Re: White Knight Story-56k warning

Crusader88 kaže: Pregled poruke
necu da vredjam ali mi nekako suvise anime tj. decije izgleda. glavni lik ko da ima 13 godina.
Pa, gomila japanskih igara/filmova/stripova su takvi.
Deca nose maceve vece od sebe, devojcica od 7 godina nosi neki ogroman claymore i pwnuje silne armije negativaca, decak baca fireballove i slicne stvari.
Onda se transformisu u neke likove koji izgledaju malo pristojnije, kao sto je ovde slucaj sa transformacijom u White Knighta koji, IMHO, izgleda awesome.
donator99 je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 30.6.2008, 2:18   #5
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Određen forumom Re: White Knight Story-56k warning

Igra je bas nekako mracna, za razliku od DQ8.
M.C. je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 5.7.2008, 9:42   #6
bobo cc 2001
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Određen forumom Re: White Knight Story-56k warning

Od Level 5 igrao sam na dvojci Dragon Quest 8 i Rogue Galaxy.Oba naslova imaju odlichnu grafiku i zvuk i zaista su dugachke igre chak i po standardima japanskih RPG naslova,tako da ochekujem da to vazhi i za White Knight Story.Ovo ce biti veoma vazhan naslov za uspjeh trojke u Japanu i Americi.
bobo cc 2001 je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 17.9.2008, 22:06   #7
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Određen forumom Re: White Knight Story-56k warning

Izlazak potvrdjen, 25. decembar za japansko trziste, ime promenjeno u White Knight Chronicles: Wave of the Ancient.
Spoiler za Info:

Q: We are summoned to the level 5 studio today, does that means there are going to be any news on the White Knight game?
Aki: Yes ,we are finally close to the stage of completing it, first of all we want to report that, the release date is going to be 25/12

Q: Hahaha I see
Aki : For such a long developing time ,we have finally begin to see the end of the product, all
the staff are very excited and we are going to work harder for the final round.

Q: I see, when I first saw the game, I was impressed by the Gigantic monsters, it is very impressive, and very beautiful at the same time. And there are some very unique and freaky looking monsters too ,I was thinking the staff must have spent a lot of times into developing the game.
Aki: As of today ,I was involved in a lot of RPG projects. I have learn to implement the crucial RPG elements into the game, however we are creating an epic level of RPG ,and we have to include all the elements and also because of the other reasons, we had to spend a lot of times into creating it. The hardware capability of PS3, to enhance the game to an epic standard, and theres another reason too ( He did not mention it here) ,the project have been created of the 3 factors . To the players it certain looks magnificent, but the game has brought headaches to the staff ,because this is the biggest game we [Level 5] have ever been created. To be able to work with SCE , I feel really nice and happy about it

Q:I notice some ' key ' words there, i will ask about it later hehe,as related with the storyline, is there anything that we do not know yet and have not been mentioned ?
Aki : The henshin(Transformation), World setting ,storyline has not been changed , White Knight 's story center around the fantasies and royalty ,as we spoke of royalty, it is the hero to save the princess from the evil, fighting the evil to save the beloved princess ...:

Q:I see ,so its based around the fantasy setting ,some of the characters looks really charming to us too
Aki: If you said its charming, it actually looks kind of unique and weird too .We took a long time to decide the character designs just to match the world setting . We understand that the characters play a very important role in game, after the DQ series. We have really thought about the character design ,and we had got lost in direction before during the process of creating it. Even just the structure of the world setting is consuming a large amount of efforts from the staff . And to make a good game , you need to have interesting cutscenes and settings, and I think we have added way too much ( laugh ) ,that's why its an uphill task for us.

Q:Sounds really hard for you guys ( laugh )
Aki:The story setting is on the massive level, every single thing took a long time to create, but this is why this game will remain unique in the future for quite a long time , I dont think there will be much game that will be able to surpass it .

Q:What is the title of the game ? Has it been decided?
Aki: Yes,it will be call ' WKC : Wave of the Ancient '

Q:What does 'Wave of the Ancient ' means?
Aki:WKC actually revolve around a tragedy, the event begins because of something that happened in the ancient time . Although it happened in the past, it affects the current time where the protagonist is living in. Therefore what happened in the ancient time is going to be awaken in the current time again ,looking from the title it give people an impression of a beginning of an epic adventure .I hope the players will be thinking ' I wish there will be next episodes'...

Q:That is a lot of hidden messaging coming in..i can feel that (laugh), going to show any playable demo on October TGS?
Aki: We are still deciding about that ,we will let the public experience the game for sure, but as in what kind of format ,we are still deciding, please stay tune with us

Q: Sounds like you already have the whole game within your plan, getting really anticipating about it. Back to the point, you mention about other 'factors' that is going to surprise people, can we know what is it?
Aki : I feel that the age of the RPG is already changed, there are a lot of genre of games on the market , the games where you could only sit back and watch how the story unfold silently has already been a past ...

Q:Theres indeed quite some changes ..
Aki: That's why we have added in a lot of elements where the players will be enjoying. WKC is an Epic RPG title,but we have added in some element from the recent game, therefore it will become a very interesting game packed with MAJOR interesting game features.

Q: So there conclusion is, the game is not just about sitting back to see the story, there's another face behind the game ,with a different play style? Is this right?
Aki: that's right, WKC has Interesting elements that are not found in the current RPGs, we are unable to reveal it now, but this is not a game where you could just put yourself into adventure ,it is way more than that.

Q:Not just an adventuring game? What do you mean?
Aki: We can't tell too much right now ,but it is something only the PLAYSTATION 3 Can have.

Q:Thats getting really exciting, when can you tell us about it?
Aki:hopefully in the near future.

Q: I understand, the players have been waiting for so so long,there hasn't been news for a year, please say something to the players
Aki : We spent 3 whole years into making this game ,Although an epic title on ps3 consumes a ton of time,but because of that ,we have developed an AAA Epic title, that is so rich and so massive .Because we spent that much of time, we want players to enjoy a title that worths all the waitwhile. All of our staff have already began our final rush, please stay tune for the game !

Thnx Famitsu.
donator99 je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 20.9.2008, 19:29   #8
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Određen forumom Re: White Knight Story-56k warning

Level 5 pravi josh jednu igru za ps3 (verovatno Dark Cloud 3)
mixer.91 je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 8.10.2008, 9:23   #9
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Određen forumom Re: White Knight Story-56k warning

Nova slika:
Spoiler za slika:

Online play is official now. Minor details available but here we go

The game consists of 3 major parts concerning online gameplay

Story Part
Live Part
Quest Part

The Story Part and Live Part are seamless and a Town Square is mentioned. Speculation here, but my guess is when you enter a city, you get transferred to a server or what not. Up to 16 avatars (players) can be in any given Town Square. From there, you can party up with up to 4 players to go questing and what not. Items can also be traded between players, though details aren't available yet.
Izgleda da ce igra imati i odlican multiplayer deo, najverovatnije napravljen prema uzoru na otkazani True Fantasy Online.
donator99 je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 18.11.2008, 21:45   #10
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Određen forumom Re: White Knight Story-56k warning

Uber awesome cover, 100x bolji od onog djubreta sto treba da predstavlja KZ2 boxart.
Spoiler za boxart:

Jos je samo ostalo da se objavi release date za SAD/EU.
donator99 je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 10.12.2008, 22:39   #11
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Određen forumom Re: White Knight Story-56k warning

Online mode:
Geonet Social Network System
Screenshot function called Crystal Shot
There appears to be an ignore list function
The Knight Robert escort quest is a lvl 41 quest (characters were level 50) but is rather challenging.
The draw distance in online mode is noticeably lower than in offline mode, but not bothersome
Online quests appear to have quite a bitof volume. Robert escort quest is estimated at 45min. Final boss is Gigas + trash mobs
Load time is pretty fast, or atleast, the poster thinks it's pretty fast
1 avatar per data (details very vague)
No voice chat. Dev staff wants to be able to incorporate it in the future but no specific plans
Skills are distributed to weapons and magic. Depending on skill distribution, combo (hitcount?) increases, status increases and what not can be observed.
Equipment has durability...need to repair occaisionally
Even warriors learn some level of healing so not necessary to force one person to a healer role
No transformation in online mode
Quests can be done w/o 4 people. Leader accepts quest, others see that and participate
Quest rewards are distributed similarly to monster hunter

Other comments:
No lag/slowdown even with a large number of enemies
As in the '06 PV, select area -> start quest
Even trash mobs can transform. Depending on enemy, some may transform rather frequently
White knight can equip a sword and shield. There were spaces for 2 other types of unknown equipment.
Shield block can be done at lvl1. Can only block when the option is available? Block time is long.
Equipment changes in movies as well
Additional quests will be distributed via PSN
IGN kaže:
Announced today at a pre-launch event in Tokyo, the built-in SNS is formally known as "GeoNet." This area of the game has all the features you'd expect of an SNS, including friend lists, a journal with comment functionality, and messaging. The service also keeps track of who's reading your content, so you can see if your journal is popular.

This is just one feature of what should be a feature-rich RPG. Developer Level-5 is even giving the game content off the Blu-ray disc! Today, the White Knight site was updated with a web comic, White Knight Chronicles: Episode 0 Dogma Wars (this is an English translation of the Japanese name, Shirokishi Monogatari: Epsiode 0 Dogma Senki). This comic tells the story of a battle that took place 10,000 years prior to the game. You can see the Japanese version for yourself at the White Knight official site under the "Special" section.
Pretpostavljam da ce svi questovi koji budu pusteni na japanski PSN pre izlaska igre u NTSC/PAL regionu biti ukljuceni u NTSC/PAL verziju.
donator99 je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 24.12.2008, 22:31   #12
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Određen forumom Re: White Knight Story-56k warning

hej, pojavio se stream video gde japanci igraju igru i uzivo prenose! Pa ko zeli da vidi gameplay brzo na
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