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Role-Play FRP, RPG...

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Stara 29.11.2007, 18:27   #1
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Lightbulb Gothic 4 - Arcania

Ne zna se kada izlazi ,nema screenshot-a.

Gothic 3 nije bio nesto,nadam se da ce cetvorka biti bolja
Robby je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 1.12.2007, 0:04   #2
V.I.P. GNU/Linux
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Određen forumom Gothic 4: Genesis

(part 1)

The Name

Genesis - This name does not mean a complete restart of the Gothic series! Rather it means that something has changed. This is how the new developer, Spellbound, explained it. After JoWooD and Piranha Bytes split on the 22 of May 2007, the search for a new developer started and this search ended on the 23 of August when Spellbound was announced as the new developer for the next Gothic game. Piranha Bytes is the developer of Gothic 1, 2 and 3. JoWooD is the publisher of the Gothic series.

The Team

Spellbound has its headquarters in Kehl am Rhein, a city close to the french border, which is located in Baden-Württemberg, a state of the Federal Republic of Germany in the southwestern part of the country to the east of the Upper Rhine.

Spellbound has always had a history of being a French-German developer. With the French city of Strasburg being right across the river Rhein opposite to Kehl, the company could always employ people from both countries with both their individual and cultural backgrounds. It is that cultural diversity which the company believes has always proven to be advantageous for game development.

The company employs 24 firm coworkers, comming from Germany, France, South Africa and Russia, as well as approximately 30 freelancers [a freelancer or freelance worker is a person who pursues a profession without a long-term commitment to any one employer].

Some coworkers of Spellbound, under Jochen Hamma, the project leader, worked at Attic Entertainment Software and were in the project called Northlandtriolgy (Realms of Arkania: Blade of Destiny, Realms of Arkania: Star Trail and Realms of Arkania: Shadows over Riva), a series of computer role-playing games based upon the popular German pen & paper role-playing game Das Schwarze Auge (The Dark Eye).

The Game


* It is believe the Trinigy Vision Engine will be used in the development of Gothic 4: Genesis. The Vision Engine is one of the industry's most advanced technologies for professional game development and has proven its versatility and reliability in more than 60 commercial game productions all over the world. [click the link to see more games that where made with this Engine ]
voodoo_ je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 1.12.2007, 0:06   #3
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Određen forumom Re: Gothic 4: Genesis

(part 2)


* The graphics of the game and the music are expected to come close to the ones Gothic 3 had and be up to date and competitive on the market when released.
* Characters, story and dialogues will be Gothic 2 oriented.
* Jochen Hamma says that dividing the story into chapters might be the best solution, for example for changing graphical elements in the gameworld. Use of chapters again is therefore most likely.
* Gothic 4: Genesis will not be a prequel [a sequel to a film, play, or piece of fiction whose events precede those portrayed in the original work] to Gothic 1.

Game world:

* Rough characters, a play world in the european setting and as fans expect, a world to give you the feeling of Gothic!

RolePlaying Elements:

* Certain aspects of the game's roles mechanics, for example the skill system, are going to look much alike Gothic 3 ones, which are supposed to be considerably improved.
* Exploration and discovery are two of the most important basic principles of the Gothic series, these elements will get proper attention with Gothic 4: Genesis.
* The game will be visually convincing, it will have a dark atmosphere and feeling, the landscape and music will be in connection with an interesting narrative style and the character development will be typical for a RPG, which will recompence the player on its discovery journey.


* As for the interface, especially for combat, it will not be exactly as in Gothic 1, 2 or 3. However, for the fans we will make an interface that feels like it, one who has played for example Gothic 3 should easily find out how the new interface works, according to Jochen Hamma.

Combat system:

* Here Spellbound plans large changes. The combat system of Gothic 4: Genesis should promote more self initiative and be more dynamic.


Both developer Spellbound and publisher JoWood plan active community support over the entire development of the game. Thus there are plans to offer regular question times as well as to have a generally increased forum activity. The feedback collected will have a substantial influence on the development of the game. Beyond that, selected community members will be invited in certain periods to try the game in order to collect direct criticism and improvement suggestions. Jochen Hamma, the project leader, spoke about such a meeting in the middle of 2008.

Release Date

There is no release date for Gothic 4: Genesis, it is however certainly that the game will appear first on PC, later in addition, on consoles. When it comes to consoles we already have the appropriate tools for Xbox360 and PS3.
voodoo_ je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 1.12.2007, 0:06   #4
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Određen forumom Re: Gothic 4: Genesis

I bez "svirkanja" protivu next-gen konzola. Lepo se kaže da će igra po pitanju priče, karaktera i dijaloga biti nalik na dvojku. A i moraju developeri od nečega da žive, sigurno neće od vas torent leechera

voodoo_ je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 1.12.2007, 2:53   #5
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Određen forumom Re: Gothic 4: Genesis

voodoo_ kaže: Pregled poruke
Lepo se kaže da će igra po pitanju priče, karaktera i dijaloga biti nalik na dvojku.
Oh, yeah! Kao da su mene pitali!
Shobe je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 1.12.2007, 10:18   #6
The mighty Boo
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Thumbs down Re: Gothic 4 - Genesis

Cedjenje vode iz suve drenovine.

Cak ga i ne prave isti ljudi.
The mighty Boo je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 1.12.2007, 18:50   #7
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Određen forumom Re: Gothic 4: Genesis

voodoo_ kaže: Pregled poruke
I bez "svirkanja" protivu next-gen konzola. Lepo se kaže da će igra po pitanju priče, karaktera i dijaloga biti nalik na dvojku. A i moraju developeri od nečega da žive, sigurno neće od vas torent leechera

odakle ovaj artwork, da li je on iz G4?
Ja sam licno veliki fan gothic serijala i mnogo vise ocekujem od RPB-a, duhovnog nastavka gothica, uskoro stize prvi artwork i neznam sta jos
miticfam je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 22.12.2007, 23:39   #8
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Određen forumom Re: Gothic 4: Genesis

voodoo_ kaže: Pregled poruke
I bez "svirkanja" protivu next-gen konzola. Lepo se kaže da će igra po pitanju priče, karaktera i dijaloga biti nalik na dvojku. A i moraju developeri od nečega da žive, sigurno neće od vas torent leechera

konacno sam otkrio sta je ovo, to je primer engina u kojem se pravi G4
miticfam je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 23.12.2007, 0:27   #9
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Određen forumom Re: Gothic 4: Genesis

Pa, naravno da nece.
Da bi to prikazli na Xboxu/PS-u morali bi da ju optimizuju 2 godine...Verovatno ce izgledati nesto bolje od Obliviona.Ne preterano bolje.A, za PC kako odluce.Mozda zadrze grafiku na nivou konzola, a mozda odluce da bude daleko bolja...Videcemo.
donator99 je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 1.12.2007, 18:24   #10
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Određen forumom Re: Gothic 4 - Genesis

Pitanje kako ce Spellbound da se snadje... Al' i JoWood je zeznuo stvar sa trojkom, tako da... ja se ne bih preterano nadao da ce od ovog da ispadne nesto posebno, mada to i ne mozemo da znamo dok se ne pojavi demo (ili barem trailer).

Grafika mi lepo izgleda, ali ne preterano lepse od trojke, pa ne bi trebalo da bude mnogo zahtevna... na tome bi trebalo da porade. Vidim da planiraju da dosta promene ''combat system'', sto znaci da ili stvarno hoce da unaprede najslabije tacke trojke, ili im je to samo reklama... a kad vec menjaju akcioni deo, mogli bi lepo i da optimizuju igru.

Samo mi nije jasno kakve ce veze da ima ovaj deo sa prethodnicima? Pretpostavljam da se samo odigravaju u istom svetu... steta sto nije ''prequel''.

Toliko... kao sto rekoh, nema sta vise da se kaze pametno, dok ne izbace demo...
caine je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 14.5.2008, 18:32   #11
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Određen forumom Re: Gothic 4 - Genesis

Zašto li mi se čini da će ovo biti još jedna igra sa sjajnom grafikom ali užasnim gameplayom, ogavnim sistemom borbe, jezivom "optimizacijom" i pozamašnom kolekcijom bugova? A da, sad sam se setio zašto! Zato što je to Gothic 4. Ne bi JoWood odustao od "standarda" koji je postavio Gothic 3. Igrači su ih progutali jednom, a progutaće ih opet.
ForceCommander je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 14.5.2008, 18:33   #12
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Određen forumom Re: Gothic 4 - Genesis

Odustali su time sto su "otpustili" Pyrana Bytes.

E sad, jeste da su isti momci pravili i Gothic 1 i 2, al dobro...
player1 je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 28.4.2008, 1:14   #13
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Određen forumom Re: Gothic 4 - Arcania

Najzad nesto novo

-Fully titled Gothic 4: Arcania (as opposed to the previous subtitle Genesis).
-Story set 10 years after the third title
Weather changes, full day and night cycle plus the ability to temporarily cast a spell and change the time of day
Fully DirectX 10 compatible with advanced shader technology
- Gothic 4: Arcania for PC, X360 and PS3 hasn't got a release date yet, it'll be done "when it's done" and won't miss out on this year's Game Convention.

Robby je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Sledećih 3 korisnika se zahvaljuje korisniku Robby na korisnoj poruci:
Alek (28.4.2008), Cernobil (28.4.2008), Jankerman (28.4.2008)
Stara 29.4.2008, 14:26   #14
Mario Pavićević
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Određen forumom Re: Gothic 4 - Arcania

Robby kaže: Pregled poruke
Najzad nesto novo

-Fully titled Gothic 4: Arcania (as opposed to the previous subtitle Genesis).
-Story set 10 years after the third title
Weather changes, full day and night cycle plus the ability to temporarily cast a spell and change the time of day
Fully DirectX 10 compatible with advanced shader technology
- Gothic 4: Arcania for PC, X360 and PS3 hasn't got a release date yet, it'll be done "when it's done" and won't miss out on this year's Game Convention.

Opet se sve svodi na naprednu grafiku i efekte....
Mario Pavićević je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 30.4.2008, 14:48   #15
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Određen forumom Re: Gothic 4 - Arcania

Mario Pavićević kaže: Pregled poruke
Opet se sve svodi na naprednu grafiku i efekte....
Kad je Gothic u pitanju, ne mora da znaci. Jedna od retkih (za sada) RPG igara gde napreduje uvek i grafika i gameplay (mozda grafika malo vise od ovog drugog, ali nema veze).
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Stara 30.4.2008, 15:25   #16
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Određen forumom Re: Gothic 4 - Genesis

Teško da je trojka napredak u odnosu na dvojku, izuzev grafike. Negde sam pročitao intervju sa jednim od tvoraca Gothic serijala, gde kaže da će u sledećem nastavku pokušati da se vrate sistemu igre kakav je bio u prva dva dela. Ako nađem, šaljem link.
Sonic je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 30.4.2008, 16:32   #17
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Određen forumom Re: Gothic 4 - Genesis

Sonic kaže: Pregled poruke
Teško da je trojka napredak u odnosu na dvojku, izuzev grafike.
Naravno da je napredak. Numerički
shrafko je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 26.5.2008, 20:23   #18
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Određen forumom Re: Gothic 4 - Genesis

U svakom slučaju, ekspanzija za Gothic 3 mora mnogo toga da objasni. Inače, i ja sam se nadao da kad već ubacuju novog glavnog lika, on bude sin heroja iz prethodnih Gothic igara. Oni bi onda bili kao Luc Skywalker i Darth Vader iz Star Wars filmova, kako bi to samo bilo cool. Ali, valjda će ovaj ribar iz Gothic 4 vredeti nečemu. Za početak, mogao bi da ima ime i prezime
ForceCommander je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 29.5.2008, 20:55   #19
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Određen forumom Re: Gothic 4 - Genesis

Lično, moje mišljenje je da je boje da junak ostane bezimeni , jer onda SVI mogu da se indetifikuju sa njim!
wolfgm je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 7.11.2010, 18:22   #20
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Određen forumom Re: Gothic 4 - Arcania

ovo nije ni g od gothica
ova se igra zove arcania i ima samo 4% veze sa gothicom
Black3005 je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke

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